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  • Sultan Kösen, the world's tallest man at 8'3", visited Westpark...

    Sultan Kösen, the world's tallest man at 8'3", visited Westpark Elementary in Irvine.

  • Sultan Kösen, the world's tallest man at 8'3", visited Westpark...

    Sultan Kösen, the world's tallest man at 8'3", visited Westpark Elementary in Irvine.

  • Sultan Kösen, the world's tallest man at 8'3", visited Westpark...

    Sultan Kösen, the world's tallest man at 8'3", visited Westpark Elementary in Irvine and held student Ridvan Akbas in the palm of his hand.


Jordan Graham - trainee Danison

A giant of a man visited Irvine’s Westpark Elementary School on May 21.

Sultan Kösen, the world’s tallest man at 8 feet 3 inches, traveled to California from his native Turkey for the Anatolian Cultures & Food Festival in Costa Mesa, a four-day event celebrating the many civilizations that have existed in Turkey. Westpark Elementary is home to the festival organizer’s two sons.

Through the aid of a translator, Kösen answered students’ questions about his weight (300 pounds of mostly bone), how much he eats (three square meals, each three times the size of a normal portion), his profession (farmer) and where he buys his shoes (they are all custom made).

Kösen also showcased his height and strength by dunking basketballs without jumping and allowing one student to stand in the palm of his hand.

Westpark Principal Ann Marie Simmons said she was impressed by Kösen’s grace.

“He delighted in amazing the kids with his height,” Simmons said. “He is truly a gentle giant.”

Simmons said Kösen told students that he enjoyed being around children because he had missed the opportunity during his youth, when his rapid growth often forced him to remain at home.

Contact the writer: or 714-796-7960